There are many agencies and organisations that represent different areas in the volunteering community.

These organisations are useful if you have sector-specific enquiries about things like advocacy, obtaining checks or funding and training opportunities.

For Organisations

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Volunteer management

Volunteering Victoria provide resources for leaders of volunteers including volunteer management activity program, recruitment, inclusive practices and networking opportunities. 

Volunteering Victoria volunteer management toolkit and handbook provides guidance for volunteer managers including:

  • hints and tips
  • useful links
  • downloadable templates  

The Volunteer Management Handbook has been designed to support new, existing and aspiring Volunteer Managers and Coordinators in their role.  The handbook will be regularly updated and the information contained can be accessed repeatedly and at any time.

Volunteering Victoria’s Victoria ALIVE program provides resources for strengthening the inclusion of people with disability in volunteering, including volunteer management, recruitment, inclusive practices and networking opportunities. Victoria ALIVE - Improving Disability Inclusion In The Volunteering Sector

Australian Multicultural Community Services and the Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing developed a culturally appropriate resource kit for older CALD volunteers and committee members to support them in their voluntary roles and activities. The resource kit is intended to overcome the many challenges encountered by older CALD volunteers both at organisational and individual levels and help to continue providing valuable assistance to ethnic groups. 


The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement provide good practice guidance and benchmarks to help organisations attract, manage and retain volunteers, and help manage risk and safety in their work with volunteers. 

VolPoll is a free engagement tool designed for volunteers and small to medium groups to better understand their volunteering opportunities and threats. It can help ensure you are operating in a safe environment in line with the National Standards of Volunteer Involvement. 

Justice Connect’s Not for Profit Law program provides free and affordable specialist legal supports for not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises.

Health and safety

Victoria Managed Insurance Agency provides insurance for government funded community service organisations 

Health and Safety Guide- Organisations that work with volunteers have obligations under Victorian law to ensure that safety is maintained in the workplace. This guide will help you walk through these requirements to ensure the safety of your volunteers. 

Justice Connect provide a free resource to make volunteer recruitment safe and simple. For organisations that struggle to understand how the law applies to volunteers, the online learning tools can help volunteer managers navigate crucial stages of the volunteer relationship. This includes interactive activities, instructional videos, and realistic scenarios to ensure organisations 

Find volunteers

Vollie is a platform dedicated to working with charities and non-profits for the purpose of helping them find skilled volunteers for online volunteering. 

Communiteer is an online platform that allows businesses, not-for-profits and individuals to collaborate through digital technology and see the outcome of the causes that they contribute to. 

For Volunteers

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Find a volunteer role

GoVolunteer is a national job search for volunteering positions across Australia. You search by a range of options, including preferred location, interests and time availability.  You can then contact the organisation directly for more information or to apply.

Vollie is an online marketplace that connects skilled people to non-profits, charities and social enterprises for skills-based online volunteering.

Be Collective is a cloud-based volunteer recruitment and management platform that enables you to share and build skills and experience through volunteering and share your growth through a verified social record.

Communiteer is an online platform that allows businesses, not-for-profits and individuals to collaborate through digital technology and see the outcome of the causes that they contribute to. 

Pro Bono Australia is a national job and volunteering search platform for roles that are purpose driven and aligned with the common good. It also provides resources that help you find an event, search for a funding opportunity, and webinars.

Rights and responsibilities

Volunteers have a role to play within their community organisation and there is a range of things they should understand before seeking a volunteer role. This includes their rights and responsibilities when taking on the role of a volunteer. For more information see

The Working with Children Check assists in protecting children from sexual or physical harm by ensuring that people who work with, or care for, them are subject to a screening process.

WorkSafe Victoria is the state’s health and safety regulator and manager of Victoria’s workers compensation scheme.

Police check. It is common for volunteers to be required to go through screening processes such as a background check in order to assess their suitability for different roles. This is particularly the case where volunteers work with vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, or those with disabilities. For more information see 


Volunteering Victoria is the state peak body for volunteering, with a focus on advocacy, sector development and the promotion of volunteering in Victoria. They provide a guide on what to expect when you volunteer and how to connect with volunteer support organisations in your area. 

JusticeConnect is a specialist legal service that delivers access to justice through pro bono legal services for people experiencing disadvantage and the community organisations that support them. 

Victorian Multicultural Commission  As the main link between communities and government, the Victorian Multicultural Commission engages with multicultural and multifaith groups to understand the issues they face. We then work together to identify and recommend potential solutions to government, policymakers and community organisations to make public services more inclusive and accessible. 

Seniors Online Seniors online - Home is the Victorian Government’s website for seniors with information and stories on volunteering, along with a broad range of content on ideas for community engagement.

Youth Central is the Victorian Government's website for young people aged 12-25, filled to overflowing with great information about life from every angle, including finding a job and volunteer role. 

Study Melbourne is a Victorian government initiative that provides support to international students with services including information on volunteering and shares stories of the benefits it beings to newly arrived students. The website is also accessible in multiple languages.