Our key focus is on strengthening the volunteering sector and supporting organisational development.

Who we are

The Volunteering team sits within the Diversity and Community Participation Branch of the Health and Wellbeing Division, in the Department for Health and Human Services. The Branch focuses on improving health and wellbeing outcomes for diverse, disadvantaged and isolated population groups across the life course.

Our work focuses on developing and strengthening policy that will drive a strong and vibrant culture of volunteering in Victoria.


The Volunteering team :

  • works with key stakeholders and develops strategic approaches that enable the volunteering community to respond to emerging challenges and engage with government reforms
  • leads the planning and delivery of the annual Premier’s Volunteer Champions Awards.

How we help

The Volunteering team liaises with the volunteer involving organisations (government, public and private) to support volunteering in Victoria. 

The Volunteering team also works with Volunteering Victoria and other jurisdictions and peak volunteering bodies to develop policies and strategic programs that support volunteering.